Career entry

With us there are many opportunities for young talent to start their careers. From the first taster, through an internship to training. We have provided everything you need to know here for you.

WEKA exchange with students


You are a technology nerd and study engineering, product development or another technical profession and are looking for a company that gives you the practice to the theory? You find the cryogenic sector super exciting and want to stir up the market of renewable energies with your vision? Then we should definitely get to know each other!

Whether at the ZHAW (Zurich University for Applied Sciences) or the Technical University of Wroclaw, some of our top developers found their way into our company as interns.

Let's talk

Tasters / Internships

Whether taster days or internships for students, at our location in Bäretswil we offer you many opportunities to gain initial experience in professional life or to reorient yourself. Make your first contacts, discover your strengths and test whether you really enjoy your profession. Your time at WEKA can be structured in different ways, depending on your goal, for example, when you apply for an internship with us. Whether it's a variety of insights or your own projects, with us you can learn the practice to the theory and try yourself out. Our entire team will give you a boost and support you on your way with many years of experience.

Write to us now


Then contact us directly, we look forward to hearing from you!
Mario Schneider CHRO +41 43 833 43 83
Jela Micanovic Human Resources Coordinator +41 43 833 43 44